how do i contact the owner of a listing?
Click on the ‘Contact icon’ on the listing of your choice and complete and submit the Contact Form. Your message will be sent to the owner of the listing.
why is it so important to create listings?
We strongly encourage you to create a listing, even if you need the fill within 24 hours, (just make sure to list the expiration date accordingly). Another member may have the perfect solution for your need! It only takes a few minutes to create the listing and it could save you thousands of dollars.
i need dirt.
How can i increase my chances to match?
Quantity – List the most material you think you can take. Some people start out listing 100 cubic meters (CM), then try to get another 100 CM after that and maybe do that a few times totaling 300CM. If a contractor has 300CM, they will most likely want to find a site that can take all of it. So the person listing only 100 CM might have missed several hauls of larger quantities. The same principle applies whether you want 30 CM or 3000 CM. The more you list, the more possibilities you have to match.
Flexibility – The more kinds of material you can take the more possibilities there are. "Clean Fill" and "Rough Fill" are by far the most common types available.
Price – Contractors incur a lot of expense in loading and hauling fill. If you express a willingness to pay something, even if it is a small amount, a contractor is more likely to pick you compared to another looking for free material. Just select “paying” or “negotiable” in the pricing category.
Search –If your membership level allows, do a search to see who has excess material in the area. A contractor may have material that they don’t need to move right now and are not contacting you or anyone else. If you get proactive and call them, they may be willing to work out a deal with you.
what are the main differences between kinds of material?
Fill – Generic term used to refer to any kind of dirt fill material.
Compactable – little or no organic (topsoil)
Common uses: for building pads, driveway or road base, under concrete slabs, etc.
Depth: any depth, but usually needs to be compacted with a machine – check local building codes for required compaction density
Non-Compactable – Fill material that is not suitable for building
Common uses: raise the grade or expand your yard, fill a hole or ravine, build berms, etc.
Depth: any depth
Topsoil – mostly organic (supports plant life)
Common uses: sod, grass seed, or planting beds
Depth: sod 2-4 inches, grass seed 4-6 inches and planting beds 8-12 inches
why is fill better than topsoil in some cases?
If you need a layer of organic material for sod, 2-4 inches of topsoil is recommended. For grass seed, 4-6 inches is recommended, and for planting beds 8-12 inches is recommended. If you are filling deeper, it is recommended to use fill first, and then put a layer of topsoil over the fill. The reason is simple: topsoil will settle. If you spread a thick layer of topsoil alone, it will look nice when you are done, but over time you will have dips and valleys that will most likely need added topsoil. Also regular fill is generally less expensive than topsoil.