can i really get free dirt?
Yes – Some contractors will deliver material at no charge, and others may deliver for a fee. Typically the prices, if any, will be lower than retail. Arrangements regarding delivery, timing, pricing, etc. are made directly between you and the other members. If a contractor has excess material that needs to be moved soon, they are more likely to deliver free if you are close. It all comes down to supply, demand, timing, distance and kind of material.
The most common kind of material to get free is “Clean Fill” or “Rough Fill”. Free compactable, topsoil, rock, or specialty products are much harder to come by because these are more of a commodity. These types of material are available; they just might be harder to get free.
search have fill listings:
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post need fill listings:
Let the contractors in the business of moving fill find you faster and easier. No more waiting for them to happen to see a fill wanted sign on the side of the road. Post your request for clean fill where it will be seen 24/7. Get clean fill faster.
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